
Real estate can be unpredictable. Learn tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check throughout the buying or selling process.

How To Be A Good Neighbor

18 July 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you are looking at homes for sale, you want to choose one that's in a neighborhood you feel you will fit right into and that you will enjoy living in. Once you close escrow on your new home, you want to make sure you don't get off on the wrong foot with your new neighbors. Along with making sure you do this, you should also make sure you do your best to be a good neighbor. Read More …

How Close Are You And Your Partner To Buying A Home?

12 July 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying a home together is something that many partners dream of doing. But how far along are you on the path to buying your dream home? Here are some of the steps that need to come first. Have You Started Saving Together? It's likely that, as two adults who want to buy a home, you have each started putting some money away towards that goal. But, just to make sure you're on the same page, discuss how much you're each putting aside from each paycheck, and make sure that you're both comfortable with the amounts. Read More …

Traveling Abroad And Want To Rent Out Your Home? 3 Reasons To Hire A Property Manager

12 July 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Leaving your home vacant when traveling abroad can lead to you spending more money than you may be prepared for while traveling. If you're eager to make some extra money while traveling abroad, it's a smart idea to look into renting out your home. If you've never rented out your home before and don't have much interest in being a landlord, it's a smart idea to look into hiring a property manager. Read More …

Things You Can Do To Help Your Home Sell

7 July 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Selling a home can take a lot of time, but you might be able to help speed up the process a little bit by doing a few little things around the inside and outside of your home. To help you know just what it is that you can do, you will want to check out the following tips: Remove A Lot Of The Clutter You do not have to be some official pack rat in order to have a lot of clutter in your home. Read More …

Does A House Meet The Needs Of Your Animals As Well?

27 June 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

There is a lot to think about when you are out looking for your next house. You want to be sure you can see the whole family living there and that you can imagine years of happiness in that house. You also want to get a feeling that the property meets your needs and can further contribute to your happiness. If you have animals, then there is another area of concern that you need to have each time you go to view a house that you are thinking about buying. Read More …

About Me
Talking About Real Estate Finances

Welcome to my website about real estate finances. My name is Reina. I would like to talk to you all about the financial aspect of buying, selling and renting real estate. I will share tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check, even when the market feels unstable or you have to dip into your savings for yet another repair. I will also discuss the pros and cons of hiring a property management company to assist you in the renting process. I hope you will follow along and learn all you can about managing your real estate finances. Thanks for visiting.
