Talking About Real Estate Finances

Real estate can be unpredictable. Learn tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check throughout the buying or selling process.

3 Things To Check When Buying Commercial Real Estate

12 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying commercial real estate can often be an extremely tricky prospect, mostly due to the many extra considerations that you have to keep in mind when compared to buying a piece of residential real estate. Thankfully, there are a few things that you can check when buying commercial real estate that can help you make sure that you get the best property for you and your needs, such as the three listed below. Read More …

What Should You Know About Buying A Mobile Home?

6 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Buying a mobile home is a different experience from buying a single-family home. There are challenges unique to mobile homes that you should be prepared to overcome. If you are thinking of buying a mobile home, here is what you need to know.   Can You Finance a Mobile Home? When it comes to financing, the type of mobile home you are planning to buy matters. If you want to buy a single-wide mobile home, you could have trouble with securing financing. Read More …

Questions To Ask When Looking For A Waterfront Home To Purchase

4 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Whether you are looking to completely relocate or you simply want a nice vacation home that you can get away to, you will want to make sure that you know just what it is that you are getting into. Knowing what to look for and what you should be considering will ensure that you will find one of the best possible waterfront homes for sale. What Is The Insurance Cost Like? Read More …

Four Things To Look For When Choosing A New Home

2 October 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When shopping for a home, you have two basic options. You can buy a home someone has lived in before, or you can choose a newly built home. Buying a new home, of course, often leads to the need for fewer repairs. Plus, everything is brand new and shiny! Sometimes, however, the shiny newness of a brand new home can cause you to make a decision too quickly. Since you don't have to worry about things like an outdated furnace, you may fall in love with a home's new look and make an offer before really stopping to think about whether that home fully meets your needs. Read More …

Don’t Buy A Rental Property Without Projecting These Three Things

28 September 2017
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

You can afford to spend a lot of money on your primary residence as long as you love it and want it (in fact, this often happens in bidding wars). Your rental property, however, needs to make money for you; this means you should minimize the expenses as much as possible. Indeed, you need to know how much you will be getting from your rental property before buying it. This means you should know the following three things before investing in a rental property: Read More …

About Me
Talking About Real Estate Finances

Welcome to my website about real estate finances. My name is Reina. I would like to talk to you all about the financial aspect of buying, selling and renting real estate. I will share tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check, even when the market feels unstable or you have to dip into your savings for yet another repair. I will also discuss the pros and cons of hiring a property management company to assist you in the renting process. I hope you will follow along and learn all you can about managing your real estate finances. Thanks for visiting.
