Talking About Real Estate Finances

Real estate can be unpredictable. Learn tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check throughout the buying or selling process.

Increasing Potential Buyer Interest When Selling Your Home

5 October 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you are planning on putting your home on the market for sale, you are most likely hoping to attract attention so you have several bidders vying to make a purchase. This will increase the amount you will receive for the exchange as a result. Taking steps to draw attention to your home will be beneficial in getting more people aware of its availability, perhaps gaining more interest from buyers. Here are some steps you can take on your own to get your house noticed. Read More …

Work From Home: 4 Types Of Rooms That You Can Easily Convert Into An Office

21 September 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

If you work from home or complete a good portion of work from home, then your house hunting list may often include "home office" as one of the top priorities. Getting specific with your home office needs can really lessen the number of homes a real estate agent is able to show you. By opening up your list and imagination, you will see that there are a lot of home rooms that can be easily converted into a comfortable and relaxing office space. Read More …

Managing Multiple Homes With Emergency Property Maintenance

12 August 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Being the owner of multiple rental properties is not only a major feat and life accomplishment, it is a great responsibility. Tenants look to you to resolve issues with parking, landscaping, faulty appliances and other issues, and they also expect you to be available at a moment's notice. When you have numerous rental properties, emergency property maintenance helps you to take care of all your tenants rapidly and with less stress. Read More …

Real Estate Renovations: Helping Your Home Appeal To An Older Buying Market

29 July 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

Some cities are "up and coming," with many young professionals moving there to begin families or start careers. However, other towns have a higher population of senior citizens and more people who move there close to retirement. You might have purchased your home with the plan of renovating it and selling it at higher price to make a profit. If the demographic of your town leans toward the elderly, one of the ways you can renovate your home to sell it more quickly is by appealing to an older buying market. Read More …

Nuisance Neighbors: Dealing With The Problem Of Bird Noise In New York Apartments

12 July 2016
 Categories: Real Estate, Articles

Experts estimate that more than 5 million American households keep pet birds. However, while owners and enthusiasts may adore their feathered companions, other people living in an apartment block may not share the love. Various laws in New York protect tenants from noise pollution, which can include the issues that noisy birds may cause. If you're suffering with a noisy avian neighbor, find out what you can do about the issue. Read More …

About Me
Talking About Real Estate Finances

Welcome to my website about real estate finances. My name is Reina. I would like to talk to you all about the financial aspect of buying, selling and renting real estate. I will share tips and tricks you can use to keep your finances in check, even when the market feels unstable or you have to dip into your savings for yet another repair. I will also discuss the pros and cons of hiring a property management company to assist you in the renting process. I hope you will follow along and learn all you can about managing your real estate finances. Thanks for visiting.
